Defiant's Mission

Defiant Theatre defied fear. We strived to subvert the social, moral, and aesthetic expectations of mainstream artistic expression. We dared to impassion our audiences and ourselves using any means necessary, limited only by our boundless imagination.

Ensemble Members

Jeff Arena

Kati Brazda

Megan Carr

Geoff Coates

Fraser Coffeen

Kelly Cooper

Justin Fletcher

Linda Gillum

Christopher Johnson

Kara Loquist

Gregor Mortis

Stefanie Neuhauser

Richy Norwood

Dr. Richard B. Ragsdale 22°

Joy Ronstadt

Lisa Rothschiller

Will Schutz

Krissy Shields

Cherise Silvestri

Kevin Wade



Emeritus Members

B. Emil Boulos

Brian Callahan

Matthew Callahan

John De Leonardis

Joe Foust

Arlo Bryan Guthrie

BF Helman

Jen Keller

Steve Kruse

Andrew Leman

Ted Lesley

Martin McClendon

Anne McKernan

Bill Norris

Nick Offerman

Christine Pascual

Michelle Primeaux

Sean Sinitski

Jim Slonina

Barb Wruck Thometz

Christopher Thometz

Jonathan Watkins


A Clockwork Orange
Pick our bones dry, you damn vultures!